Devlog 17 - 12/07/2024

Hello, everyone!

Won't lie, June was a slow month regarding writing, at least for Walking On My Grave. My mom made her cataracts surgery (it was actually about the internal pressure inside her eyes, but the cataracts surgery has a high chance of solving the issue, so that's why she did it), so when I wasn't taking care of things regarding her post-op, I ended up... Writing more... the already mentioned Fallout fanfiction... ç_ç I think my brain was just needing something happy and low stakes to write.

Still, it has been good practice for when I reach the truly romantic scenes in WOMG - I've never really written a highly flirty character, most of the romances I've written are really along the lines of friends-to-lovers, with both characters relatively low-key regarding romance, a lot of the times not that experienced. So, yeah, this fanfiction has really took me out my depths and it has been good and it will help me immensely when we reach these scenes - specially the spicy ones; full-blown sex is still unlikely because of the situation the characters will be in, but I can see things being less chaste than I had originally planned purely because of my writing abilities and second-hand embarrassment lol

Still, the few words I wrote in WOMG - less than 5k, darn it - filled me with happiness and giddiness. It's good to be actually writing it again, instead of only planning, and while it took some time to get into the vibe and pull of it again - WOMG and Fallout have very different approaches and universes, after all -, once I did it flowed easily. Get into how the Undead's see the world and interact with everyone around, while having more responsibilities, is amazing. It is also already allowing me to explore more the other Academies and how they work on a day-to-day basis.

Sorry for not having more to say, but I haven't stopped. :D

Thank you so much for the patience and all the support! Love you all and stay safe!

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It's fine, take all the time you need. I'll patiently waiting for the new content.


Thank you so much for the patience!